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Simple, unique token authentication for each form endpoint.

How it works

All our API endpoints accept authentication by passing your token as a GET parameter. You can find your form specific API token on the Integrations page on your form dashboard. Make sure to keep this token secret. If you feel it's been compromised, there is a button to regenerate it.

Token format{form_id}&page=1&query=&api_token={form_api_token}

Make sure you swap out {form_id} and {form_api_token} in the call above with your unique form ID and API token, otherwise we won't know which form to authenticate with.

API Keys

Basin supports 2 types of API keys: Basin API Key, and Form API key.

1. Basin API Key

The Basin API key is scoped to the entire account (your user/login). This provides API access to all forms the account has access to.

Use this API for:

  • Accessing all your forms and associated data (submissions)
  • CRUD (create, read, update, delete) forms
  • Listing domains

GIF showing you where to find your Basin API key in app

2. Form API Key

A Form API key is scoped to a specific form. Use this API key for integrations that are scoped to a specific form.

Use this API for:

  • Accessing submissions for a specific form
  • Form specific integrations

GIF showing you where to find your Form API key in app


Click here to view our API Reference