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Notification Emails

Automatically receive simple, nicely formatted emails with complete submission details sent directly to your inbox instantly.


To access a form's notification email settings, navigate to Forms -> Form -> Emails.

Enabling Notification Emails

To enable notification emails and start receiving an email after every new submission to this form:

  1. Enter an email address in the "Send emails to:" field.
  2. Optionally, add email addresses in the "CC Email (Copy Recipients):" and "BCC Email (Hidden Copy Recipients):" fields to send carbon copies or blind carbon copies, respectively.
  3. Save the changes.

Disabling Notification Emails

To disable notification emails:

  1. Simply remove the email address from the "Send emails to:" field.
  2. Also clear any addresses in the CC and BCC fields if used.
  3. Save the changes.

GIF showing how to setup email notifications


Additional configuration options are available on this page, such as choosing a custom template (available on the Premium plan and above), sending emails to CC and BCC recipients, and more!

Sending emails for spam submissions

By default, Basin does not send emails when submissions are marked as spam. However, if you set up and configure a custom mail server, you have the option to send emails for spam submissions as well.


Basin will never send emails for spam submissions when using the default mail server, including when emails fail to send from your custom mail server. Make sure your custom mail server is properly configured so that spam submissions can have emails sent.